The program that has been implemented byNasi Gembul, namely launching new products,has brought in many new customers. Based ondata collected up to December 30 2023, NasiGembul received 30% new customers from thedata collected by the sales team. Of course,the program implemented by Nasi Gembul hasbeen successful in increasing the image andbrand awareness of the surroundingcommunity.
In this case, of course, the new productlaunching program that has been implementedby Nasi Gembul has succeeded in satisfyingcustomers and also increasing brandawareness among the public. Customersatisfaction can of course be a benchmark forthe success of a program that has beencreated by the Public Relations team,therefore customer satisfaction has beentaken into account during the productlaunching period.
Increasing the company image owned by NasiGembul certainly means that sales owned byNasi Gembul can increase, this is what makes acompany's success can be determinedthrough the image it has. Apart from that, byincreasing the image of Nasi Gembul, it willincrease public trust in the brand owned byNasi Gembul, brand awareness can also beincreased through programs that have beencreated by the Public Relations team.
The product launch carried out by NasiGembul on November 30 2023 producedquite satisfactory results. Judging from thecollection of customer satisfaction dataduring the product launch event and afterthe product launch, customers weresatisfied with a total satisfaction of 80%.This data was taken from surveys and formsdistributed to customers, in addition toreviewing various positive responses fromNasi Gembul's social media, the new productbeing launched can be considered to satisfycustomers. So the launching of newproducts carried out by Nasi Gembul can besaid to be quite successful in improving theimage of Nasi Gembul.
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